Saturday, May 27, 2006

A lot on my plate

So, again, I'm at a cross-roads in my life. However, everytime I'm at a crossroads, the stakes seem to get higher and higher.
This time my options are as follows:
1- a job at a software high-tech start-up in Waterloo, Canada (already involved with them through MBET, little money, LOTS of experiences, awesome people to work with!)
2- a job at an established software company in Canada (good money, good experience, great entrepreneur, I can stay in Waterloo!)
3- PhD in Information Systems at UW (passionate about the field, lukewarm about my supervisor, don't want to spend another year alone until my brother joins me)
4- a job at CISCO (I don't know about the money, good experience, but parents are not too excited about me spending a year in Amsterdam)
5- Go back to Jeddah and dedicate mytime 100% to our start-up company with K,N, and R. (This is what I want, what I really, really want :( I have a lot of faith in the idea and my team, It's not so bad that we will have to spend some time in Japan too!)
6- A bunch of semi-interesting jobs in Jeddah (Tamer, NCB, P&G, Unilever, Zahid...etc)

So, I got a lot on my plate right now. It seems logical to stay another year in Waterloo to keep my apartment so my brother can get it next year when he comes (great, great location). But, that is definately not enough reason. I knew I will go on for a PhD not because of my grades, but because I love academia and research... however, MBET gave strength to the entrepreneur in me. I don't really want to go back, but the market in the ME is just wide-open... My father is on my side, if I choose to stay, but not for Amsterdam. My mom is against both! She wants me back... Don't tell me that I shouldn't listen to my parents and I should do what I really want. I know it's my life, but that is not how I run my life.

Good corporate governance policies require transparent communication between the CEO and board members. If I run my life the way I would like to run a company, then I would be the CEO and my parents are board memebers. I must take their insight and recommendation into consideration.


On side note, I don't feel like writing my review of The Divinci Code just yet, but my verdict on the movie is: B.


At 1:41 p.m., May 27, 2006, Blogger HelloMe said...

i'm looking for confrences in Japan already!! we're so there! lol

no seriously, i think the biggest questions here is priorities "Is getting ur ideal job, experience etc.. worth being so far away from ppl u love?" just think which one satisfies Sunshine the most! this is a big dilemma.. (for me @ least!)

At 4:40 p.m., May 27, 2006, Blogger Just 'Be' It said...

Hey girl,,
Seems overwhelming..
Think, reflect, take your time and then make your decision..
But if I were you, which I am not, but thinking of your options I would not come back, at least not for now, because once you are back you will be hooked...
Take the chance and seize your opportunities..They may not come again..
Good luck..

At 3:32 a.m., May 28, 2006, Blogger ahmed said...

If I were u..I would go for either #1 or #5..I would prefer #1 though..the great experience is "what" you may need at the moment...after that u'll have the opportunity to establish ur own business in Saudi..

Good luck!

At 10:47 a.m., May 28, 2006, Blogger SunShine said...

Thanks for your comments =) I will be taking a decision late June inshalla.

ur right *raf, I should do what I "really,really" want. LOL I didnt realized I typed that until you pointed it out! However, I must prioritize to know what's best for my future...

Thanks again guys, I'll keep you posted.

At 1:28 a.m., June 05, 2006, Blogger Maissaa said...

I just think you have a great attitude. I love your blog, it is realy an enjoyable read.

I think an experience with a big international company is not something to pass on so easily, unless you know you can get it later, it might be worth a year of your life.
but again if you are so passionate about your starting up your own thing well, that sounds good too.
I am not realy one for choices, I tried to help. Best wishes on anything you decide to do.l

At 9:12 p.m., August 23, 2007, Blogger the_smartest1 said...


ur plate is so small :)

from all in the list best is cisco

u gotta aim high :D

try booz allen hamilton

try Mckinsey

if u get in, then u know u aimed high and u got it ;)



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