Saturday, May 06, 2006

You know what I'm going to go? I'm going to take a BIG, FAT AXE and then go knock ever-so-softly on my next door neighbor. Of course, he won't hear me because of all THAT NOISE, so I will have to knock HARDER. When he FINALLY opens the door, he will be surprised of course to see a nice girl in a pink t-shirt with her hands behind her back. So, he will get into his joey-how-you-doin-;) mode while I flash a charming, disarming smile =). Then, I will peak around to satisfy my curiousity and THEN I WILL LET HIM HAVE IT.

I don't know what the hell he is building there, but I'm pretty sure it's a treehouse or something INSIDE THE FREAKIN APARTMENT. sawing, hammering, dropping, sliding, drilling... I identified 12 different sounds from his apartment.

It's Saturday, for GOD's Sakes!

hmm...maybe I'll try asking him nicely first and then do the axe thingie.


At 1:30 a.m., May 07, 2006, Blogger Harsha said...

I think you got bionic ears :p

u can hear sounds from above u, next to u and the next building too!

At 7:56 a.m., May 07, 2006, Blogger ghoweljlsfqwef said...

Tape a recording from the National Geographic channel of lions having sex. Then play the recording, turn up the volume to full blast and leave the house for a couple of hours :)

At 2:29 a.m., May 20, 2006, Blogger ren_crow said...

"When he FINALLY opens the door, he will be surprised of course to see a nice girl in a pink t-shirt with her hands behind her back."

wow heh the way u make it sound, i dont think any guy would mind having you swing an axe at them;)

Dotsson - ahahahaha! great idea! But wont they get suspicious when they hear the National Geographic theme song?


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