Saturday, May 06, 2006

friday night ... can't sleep

damn those undergrads. don't they know some of are GRADUATE students who wake up early on Saturday mornings to work? I'm too tired to go to the floor above me and give the chinese *&^%$ a peice of my mind. They go quiet for a while, then start up again with the banging and swishing. It's not only that, I can hear the party from the NEXT BUILDING. What the hell am I going to do about that? One of these days, they will turn me into one of those party-poopers who will CALL THE *&^%$#@ police.

sigh. maybe i just wish i was partying instead of trying to sleep?


At 2:22 a.m., May 20, 2006, Blogger ren_crow said...

haha u bet!;)


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