Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Cry for help :P

Dear bloggers and lurkers,
This post is a cry for help! Help me! I am losing it! LOL. Here, let me tell you a little story.

Back in 2001, in my senior year of high school. I was your average teenager. Wait. That's not right. I was not your average girl, but I was your typical video-gaming fanatic. I lived and grew up with the video-games that were around in that period. From PC games to console games such as Super Nintendo and Playstation, I was in love. That video-game world was my sanctuary. I was the invincible mortal kombat fighter, the fastest car-racer, the ever-winning Crash Bandicot. I was the UNBEATABLE super Mario.

In that world, I ruled. So, for all you gamers out there, you understand why we get addicted. More than addicted. If it was up to us, we would transport to that world permanently and rule that magic kingdom. I had dreams to participate one day in international gaming contests...And win.

However, it was that year, year 2001, when my virtual alter-ego died. To be exact, it was the night before the final Physics tawjeehi (senior high-school) exam. As always, I hid away in my world of treasure, monsters and magic whenever real-life was too stressful to face. On that dark night, out of the blue, I was pulled away. Pulled away so hard that the roots of my love were killed and my growth was stunted.

It seems that when life is most stressful that you can achieve incredible levels in your game, right? It was exactly that. I was swimming with Spyro, the super-hero dinosaur in the depths of a pixelized lake in search of treasure, when my mother suddenly PULLED the cable connected the playstation with the TV and the socket.


All I can think of was when was the last time I saved.

I haven't saved for an hour and 45 minutes.

God knows how much you can do in an hour and 45 minutes.

It was horrendous. A terrible violent death of a (relatively) budding love. I felt actual physical pain when I was returned to the mundane world so violently...

I never touched video-games ever since.

During those last few years after that important, life-changing event. I understood my mother. She was looking out for me. She was worried not only about my grades, but my personality and my mental health. At some point, I even remember that I thanked her, even though I missed out on PS2. LOL

So, what is this post about? Well, ever since I came to Canada, I made some new friends. Friends who told tales of new games, new worlds, new lives. I listened. I was enthralled. I listened for a whole year because I resisted all temptations to touch that keyboard. I knew. I knew who I was and how I can be. I held adamantly unto my role of a fascinated observer by putting up the defense of too much studying.

Then, school was out...For good. I was out of my studying bubble. Without an armor to cling on, I was a weak, helpless girl in the face of temptation. It started out by my usual hanging out with my friends, then they started talked about this new RPG game they are playing. Heavens...I love RPG. They kept talking about knights, elves, goblins and zombies...A huge world of quests, treasure and wonderful new creatures. They knew how much I loved that world. They must have known. I wasn't satisfied with all this talk. I had to see for myself.

I followed them back to the dragon's den. It was a dark basement, cold (literally - to overcome overheating), dark and with humming computers, fully equipped with the latest, most expensive video cards, surround sound system and LAN network. Video-gaming Paradise.

As the story goes with any tale of seduction. A look, then a touch, then a taste...I was hooked. Like some kind of drug. The first night was magical. 12 hours straight to get the hang of it. Somewhere in those 12 hours, there was a re-birth. My friends were so welcoming as well. They gave me the most comfortable chair, the best headphones and explained the game so I can venture in that world as quickly as possible.

The name of the game is Oblivion. I was enchanted.

So, my friends, this is why I haven't been blogging for a while. I woke up everyday to rush to our little lab and conquer my enemies. Occasionally, we take breaks to eat and do various mundane human activities. Even then, my mind was still in Cyrodiil. I am a dark elf mage. A magician of sorts covered with heavy Dwarvian armor. I am still way behind than my friend the acrobatic master thief and the strong armored warrior. However, I still play to the best of my abilities. I do not look at the clock anymore. My love has been re-kindled.

Now, here is my dilemma. If you think that I am already knee-deep in problems, I beg to differ. The way you identify a real gaming addict is when they try to hide it. When they put the game on top of their priority life and everything, EVERYTHING comes in second. I feel like I am in quicksand. I can still breathe. I can still see the light. But, I am sinking...And sinking quickly. I have another confession. I come from a family of gamers, including my father. So it is in my genes. If video-gaming is anything like alcohol, then I am really in trouble. What is it about that magical world that draws me? Or is it that this world is so damn boring that it makes me look for more?

If you want to help, then here is how: If you know where I can buy some cool spells or some minataurs I can fight or zombies I can summon to play with, then please email me. If you hear of any conquests to travel to a lost island to find some enchanted crystals or mystical forests that I can explore, please don't hold back. Maybe it's not game over yet for this small, mundane world. Maybe I can redeem myself and keep myself at bay from the beautiful, utterly huge, magical world of Oblivion.


At 8:17 a.m., August 09, 2006, Blogger DiDi said...

Sunshiiiiiine! I never knew about the "pulling out the crods" incident.. I'm soo sorry! During all this time, i've known that u loved video games, i just truly thought that u didn't have time to play.. :/
I have a question though; can i join u in ur new world? :)

At 4:50 p.m., August 09, 2006, Blogger Veva said...

Oh my god!
Girl, you are inspired! lol
Never thought gaming could be so inspiring...
You know what... It looks like you are enjoying it a lot... so that is all you need girl.
Continue enjoying your break!

At 12:26 a.m., August 10, 2006, Blogger JB said...

hahahah... she's moving closer and closer to the dark side again.. hahah... i think your face must be getting grayer by the minute...

excellent *think of mr. burns saying that with the mannerisms*...

keep on playing and may the force be with you, my padawan...

At 1:16 a.m., August 10, 2006, Blogger SunShine said...

hehehe, yes you can....but you have no idea what you are getting yourself into though.

=) I came back one night very light. My eyes were hurting from staring at the screen. I don't know where the words came from!

LOL I'm glad you approve o Jedi Geek :P

At 11:42 a.m., August 10, 2006, Blogger Raven said...


If there was ever a female version of me it would be you..

A gamer too, you never cease to amaze me..

I can totally relate to everything you are talking about..

Will talk to u soon in detail :)


At 3:55 p.m., August 10, 2006, Blogger HelloMe said...

my god! i never knew about this video-game thing of urs!!


At 6:22 a.m., August 11, 2006, Blogger Mystique said...

That is soo you, suits you to be a gamer :P lol I'd rather go for alchol LOL
and LOL@raven's comment - you got an admirer in there

I missed you alooot.. long time no chat, no blog ;)


At 9:23 a.m., August 11, 2006, Blogger Veva said...

Feliz CumpleaƱos!!!!!

At 1:04 p.m., August 11, 2006, Blogger SunShine said...

LOL @ raven. Thnx man

pink attitude, I TOLD you about my addictive tendencies with video games! THAT's why I never took a copy from you!

mystique, miss you too girl!

veva, mucho gracias =)


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