Wednesday, March 15, 2006

fever all through the night...

By far, the hardest thing about living alone is getting sick. Guess when is it especially true:
  1. you are 'dalloo3a'
  2. you are used to being cared for
  3. you are stressed out
  4. you are homesick
  5. ALL of the above <-- hint

if you guessed 5. then YOU ARE RIGHT!

unfortunately, i got a bit of fever the last two days. I felt so weak. The independent, strong girl in me suddenly vanished. I was terribley homesick. I wanted to be with my family so bad...I intentionally didn't call my mother in fear of breaking down and crying. I successfully kept that up for two days.

Then, one early morning, before the sun rose, my dear grandmother called. My grandmothers (on both sides) are two wonderful and amazing women. So beautiful, elegant and strong. Sittat Zaman.

Anyways, my grandmother on my father's side called me. I was lying down, dizzy from Tylenol 'night-time' (good stuff btw!) I woke up and answered. I was at my weakest point. I tried to hold myself, but I broke down. I started crying. I told her how sick, tired and homesick I am...

It only lasted for a couple of moments. What a wonderful and amazing woman. She consoled me and made me feel better. I really did feel better, getting it all out. I made her promise not to tell my mom. my mom gets so anxious and upset. She said of course, she understands =)

I want to thank her. I wish I can give her everything. I wish she knows that she is amazing! I love you sitto!


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